Nausea in pregnancy

Nausea in pregnancy. Dizziness, feeling like vomiting and belching. We will advise what helps

Feeling sick is one of the most frequent symptoms of pregnancy. Morning sickness, dizziness or an irritated sense of smell. Often, morning sickness can be a signal that lets a woman know that something is wrong with her body. Based on the latest research, almost 80% of women experience nausea during the first weeks of pregnancy. The symptoms of nausea are individual and each pregnant woman may experience different symptoms and in different intensity. The causes of pregnancy sickness are somewhat uncertain, but the course of pregnancy can make the future mother really uncomfortable. What helps in managing nausea in pregnancy? We have advice for you, which may work just in your case.

Published: 02.05.2023
Updated: 04.12.2023

Although morning sickness is most often associated with nausea in pregnant women, the fact is that nausea can last during the day or appear in the evening or at night. Feelings of nausea are typical especially for the first trimester of pregnancy. It belongs to the beginning of pregnancy, but there are cases of women who feel nausea during the entire pregnancy. On the contrary, there are women who do not feel nausea, which is not a negative phenomenon and can be considered pregnant and happy.

What is nausea of pregnancy?

This condition can be characterized in a pregnant woman as a certain kind of discomfort, which is accompanied by certain typical symptoms. Symptoms of pregnancy sickness occur in more than 80% of pregnant women, but rarely require medical therapy. Each woman experiences nausea differently during pregnancy, while the symptoms themselves and their intensity may differ in specific cases. The duration can also be different. However, there is no need to worry about this state. This is a very natural process that is typical for the first trimester of pregnancy and usually subsides during the second trimester. However, in some women, nausea during pregnancy or morning sickness can appear longer and continuously.

What is nausea of pregnancy?

Nausea in pregnancy and its symptoms

The symptoms of nausea are relatively well known. They don't all have to appear at the same time. Each woman may experience different combinations of symptoms, which may have different intensity and severity. The most commonly identified symptoms include:

  • nausea and a feeling of vomiting immediately after eating,
  • severe morning sickness and vomiting,
  • a feeling of wobble in the stomach, women often compare it to travel sickness or seasickness,
  • dizziness in pregnancy and lower blood pressure,
  • irritated sense of smell and aversion to certain smells and foods, which can cause stomach irritation and induce a feeling of vomiting,
  • uncontrollable hunger pangs and, conversely, loss of appetite or reduced appetite.

Pregnant women worry about the baby in the early stages of pregnancy due to more regular nausea. The nausea itself, which the expectant mother experiences, does not harm the baby. Impaired food intake, loss of appetite, vomiting or aversion to certain foods are not risky for the child due to the nutritional requirements of the fetus at this stage of pregnancy. Attention should be paid if nausea worsens, there is rapid weight loss or you have a problem with fluid intake. It can be a severe form of nausea in pregnancy (Hyperemesis gravidarum), which affects approximately 2 to 3% of women during pregnancy and can complicate the nutrition of the fetus.

When does nausea in pregnancy start?

The first symptoms appear around the 6th week of pregnancy. This is therefore the initial phase of pregnancy, and that is why morning sickness is considered the first warning signal. The level of hormones is already at this stage at a level that the pregnancy test will clearly show a positive result. It is completely normal if feelings of nausea and its symptoms appear a few weeks later or not at all. The most intense symptoms are reported by pregnant women in the period between 10 and 16 weeks. The level of hCG hormones usually peaks around the 10th to 12th week of pregnancy.

When does nausea in pregnancy start?

When will pregnancy sickness go away?

The positive thing for pregnant women is that in many cases the symptoms of nausea gradually subside. How long does nausea last during pregnancy? Like its beginning, the duration can also vary among women during pregnancy. Usually, the symptoms of pregnancy sickness subside from the 12th week and should disappear completely by the beginning of the second trimester or by the 16th week. Some women are accompanied by occasional nausea throughout their pregnancy.

Watch out for symptoms of toxemia

Attention should be paid if nausea persists after the 22nd week of pregnancy, or if the symptoms of nausea worsen. Nausea caused by the further growth of the fetus and pressure on the organs can easily go away. However, if there are frequent and severe headaches, high blood pressure (eclampsia), swelling (edema) of the lower limbs, visual disturbances, tiring vomiting and irritating straining to vomit several times a day, dark urine or protein in the urine, these symptoms may be a sign toxemia, so called preeclampsia. An immediate visit to the doctor is necessary, because as a result of body fatigue and the inability to nourish the body and the fetus, serious risks can occur during pregnancy.

Causes of nausea in pregnancy

To this day, experts have not exactly agreed on the causes of nausea in pregnancy in women. There are certain indicators and signals that can cause states of nausea and loss of appetite. These are primarily physiological and hormonal changes that cause nausea.

One of the most likely causes of pregnancy sickness is an increase in the level of the hormone hCG, which is produced by the body of a pregnant woman in an increased amount after conception, while the amount of this hormone in the body is more than ten thousand times higher in the 12th week of pregnancy compared to the first day. An increase in the level of this hormone contributes to nausea and vomiting in pregnancy.

The levels of progesterone, thyroxine and estrogen also rise, which affect digestion and affect the activity of the gastrointestinal tract. During most of the pregnancy, the mother-to-be is also accompanied by lower blood pressure, which can cause nausea, dizziness and a feeling of vomiting. The cause of nausea is also sensitivity to aromas and smells. Pregnant women have a more sensitive sense of smell and irritation can cause reflux - vomiting. In connection with changes, nausea in pregnancy is also caused by an imbalance of nutrients in the body, vitamins (decrease in vitamin B6), minerals (potassium, magnesium) and lower blood sugar levels.

Women who are first-time mothers or women expecting twins are more susceptible to nausea during pregnancy, who may have more intense symptoms, the feeling of nausea can be caused by stress during pregnancy, fatigue, hot weather, susceptibility to seasickness or migraines. Also in women with a low initial body weight.

Causes of nausea in pregnancy

Evening or all-day nausea during pregnancy

Under nausea, most expectant mothers imagine morning vomiting during pregnancy. It is true that morning sickness is the most typical, but the fact remains that pregnancy sickness is not limited to only one part of the day. Nausea in pregnancy all day? Yes, unfortunately, various symptoms of nausea can appear throughout the day. What about nausea in pregnancy in the evening and nausea at night is not rare. Changes in the body and hormone levels do not change only in the morning, which is why pregnant women experience various symptoms of all-day nausea during pregnancy from the 6th to approximately the 12th week.

Belching in pregnancy

Some moms often turn to doctors with the question that they often burp immediately after eating during pregnancy and do not know what is causing it, because they have not indicated anything like that so far. A pregnant woman has the feeling that gastric juices and air are coming back up, even when she is at rest or lying down. Sometimes it can impulsively cause a feeling of vomiting. Usually, this phenomenon appears at the beginning of the second trimester of pregnancy. The reason is the enlargement of the uterus and uterine muscles, the expansion of the lining and the fact that the fetus - the baby itself grows and presses on the internal organs of the mother. This can affect the activity of the stomach. For some women, the first aid is sparkling mineral water, a glass of Coca-Cola or milk. The expectant mother has every right to relieve nausea in this way.

What helps with nausea in pregnancy - advice and recommendations

The wish of every pregnant woman is to get rid of nausea during pregnancy. If a pregnant woman does not happily avoid the symptoms of nausea, it is necessary to give them time to subside. However, there are definitely options and effective ways in which a woman can relieve herself during this period. Here are some tips that are guaranteed to work.

Rest and peace without effort

Rest, relaxation and minimizing exertion are key. Avoid stress and rush. Find a place where you feel good, take a relaxing position on the couch or in a rocking chair, play music or read your favorite book. Leave the running of the household to your partner or get involved if you feel better. Especially when getting to know the symptoms of nausea, go "offline" for a few days and relax.

Some experts say that it is advisable to try yoga or meditation, which will allow you to discover inner peace. If you have the opportunity, sit in the fresh air on the terrace or balcony. If possible, a walk can also benefit you.

Rest for nausea in pregnancy

Small portions of suitable food and drinking regime

Stomach as if on water, straining or a feeling of vomiting. If you experience such conditions and have trouble getting even breakfast, try eating in small portions, say every 2 to 3 hours. Don't limit yourself by when you eat, you can enjoy a small portion before going to bed and it is guaranteed to be better if you don't wake up hungry and with an empty stomach. It is not necessary to eat full portions, feel free to divide your meals into parts of the day. Choose more easily digestible foods, avoid fatty, heavy, spicy and aromatic foods. For morning sickness, try, for example, almond milk, fruit puree or fresh fruits and vegetables. If you want to add sugar, use dried fruit instead of chocolate.

Although it sometimes seems impossible, increasing your fluid intake is a great preventative measure. A hydrated body and a proper drinking regimen can sometimes work wonders. Lack of fluids causes nausea itself. For example, try ginger tea against nausea during pregnancy with a little honey, which is recommended by doctors themselves for nausea during pregnancy.

Carbonated drinks and Coca cola during pregnancy

Practice has shown that carbonated drinks, sparkling mineral water or Coca-Cola can relieve nausea. Bubbles (carbon dioxide) can induce relief by causing burping. It is a kind of quick help that can relieve some pregnant women from nausea very quickly. Mothers on various forums also talk about the fact that a few sips of Coca-Cola can help.

Coca-Cola during pregnancy

Eliminate irritating odors

A sensitive sense of smell is a very common trigger of nausea in some pregnant women. Sometimes an inappropriate smell or aroma causes dizziness or induces a feeling of vomiting. It can easily be spices, perfumes, essences or common smells such as smoke, burns or certain ingredients that should be avoided on the menu. On the contrary, some flowers and herbs such as eucalyptus or rosemary can have a positive and calming effect. The smell of citrus has a very positive effect on expectant mothers.

Anti-nausea vitamins

Nutritional supplements, vitamins and minerals in the body mean that the organism has something to draw from. Try regularly supplementing with B vitamins B1, B6 and don't forget to supplement with folic acid (B9), which is also important for the baby. They contain, for example, legumes, leafy vegetables, yeast or eggs. On the contrary, as a pregnant woman, avoid excessive intake of iron. Its intake is important, but try to get it as much as possible from a natural diet. The dose of iron should not exceed 27 mg per day during pregnancy. You can consult your gynecologist about nutritional supplements. Based on the diagnosis, the doctor can determine exactly which vitamins your body lacks.

Anti-nausea vitamins

Interesting tips

Among other interesting tips, we have included some advice based on the practical experience of mothers. Some mothers reported that a glass of warm water and grated ginger with lemon worked for them in the morning. In the fight against nausea, another mother was helped by sweet gums and chewing candies containing ginger and vitamins. From further experience, it is also advisable to try wearing loose clothing in which you are comfortable. Current mothers also advise that it is important not to stay on an empty stomach after waking up, even if it is only dry bread, crackers or fruit, the nutrients in the body can alleviate nausea.

Nausea in pregnancy - boy or girl?

Is it possible to predict whether you are expecting a girl or a boy based on nausea during pregnancy? It cannot be clearly determined. Among mothers, however, there are certain characteristics that are typical for one or the other sex during pregnancy. If you have a greater appetite for salty and sour foods, gain less weight and have beautiful skin, a boy is supposedly on the way. Conversely, if your skin gets worse, you have more of a sweet tooth and gain more weight, it will be a girl. In connection with nausea, vomiting may appear in the first trimester, which is typical if you are expecting a girl. With a boy, the symptoms of nausea should be less noticeable.


Nausea during pregnancy is unfortunately normal, sometimes it manifests itself in the morning, sometimes at night and sometimes all day long. Pregnancy without nausea is rather an exception. Vomiting was a common symptom in many women, nausea was usually manifested by sensitivity to smells. Many women recommend fresh air, if not walks, then at least an open window throughout the day.

The most frequent questions - FAQ

Have you also experienced nausea during pregnancy? Are you looking for a way to relieve the symptoms of pregnancy sickness? We believe that you will find all the necessary information and advice in our article. We will also be grateful if you contribute your opinion and your own advice and experience to the discussion under the article. How did you deal with nausea during pregnancy? For example, did tea, Coca-cola or anti-nausea drugs help you?

The first symptoms of nausea in pregnancy appear from the 6th week. During this period, the level of hCG hormones begins to rise, which has an impact on the occurrence of nausea in pregnant women. It is completely normal if nausea appears even a few weeks later or does not appear at all in a woman.

Nausea in pregnancy subsides approximately from the 12th to the 16th week of pregnancy, or roughly until the beginning of the second trimester. It is necessary to monitor the symptoms of nausea themselves, and in case of worsening symptoms, it is advisable to contact the attending physician. Some women experience occasional nausea during the entire pregnancy.

Doctors only give medicines for nausea in the case of a severe form of nausea or toxemia. In this case, drug treatment can be set. However, only an increased intake of vitamins and minerals in the form of candies, lozenges or teas containing vitamin C, calcium, magnesium and ginger or mint extract is usually recommended for pregnant women with nausea.

No, nausea during pregnancy as such does not harm the baby. The supply of smaller amounts of nutrients in the first trimester is not such a serious problem. The fetus does not yet have such high nutritional requirements during this period. However, if you have a problem with all-day nausea even after the first trimester of pregnancy, persistent loss of appetite, frequent vomiting and a problem with fluid intake, visit your doctor who will determine the method of therapy.

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