11th week of pregnancy

11th week of pregnancy – belly size, movements and pain in the lower abdomen. Which month is it?

Pregnancy passes into a phase in which severe nausea may appear. At the same time, other mothers breathe a sigh of relief that the strong symptoms are subsiding. The fetus in the abdomen grows as if from "amniotic fluid", and the expectant mother may begin to notice other symptoms. More or less intense. The baby already resembles a little man and is actively developing, even moving a lot. However, you will not feel the baby's movements in the 11th week of pregnancy. Will you already know the gender of the baby in the 11th week of pregnancy? What tests will you undergo? Can you already see the pregnant belly? Read more in the following paragraphs.

Published: 09.11.2023
Updated: 14.12.2023

The embryo phase was already completed last week and the fetus developed and grew again during that time. In the 11th week of pregnancy, a woman is in the middle of the 3rd month and the first trimester. Despite the unpleasant symptoms that may appear, you may enjoy beautiful and strong hair or strong nails. In addition to inducing nausea, hormones also have positive effects. The pregnant belly is not yet a basic identifying feature, but the breasts can already be visibly firmer, larger and at the same time more sensitive. How does a baby develop?

Development of the baby in the 11th week of pregnancy

Only approximately 9 weeks after fertilization, the baby is already the size of a fig or a larger strawberry. A phase of intensive growth and maturation begins, the fetus begins to activate various processes necessary for its life in the womb. The heart is more and more perfect and the circulatory system works more efficiently. It now has a frequency of approximately 120 to 160 beats per minute. The head still represents half of the body of the fetus. The brain can already send nerve signals to the muscles, and brain cells are formed very quickly. The child is mobile and active, but the woman will not feel his movements yet.

The swallowing and breathing reflex is already active. He opens his mouth, yawns and even hiccups. The child activates its kidneys by regularly swallowing amniotic fluid. The kidneys are already starting to process the liquid and form urine, which the child excretes into the amniotic fluid. However, the kidneys are still looking for their place in the body and are still developing. By swallowing the amniotic fluid, the child also engages the muscles and lungs. The diaphragm is strengthened and the intestines continue to develop, which are still looking for a place in the body. The baby can already digest water and glucose.

The face also undergoes development. The base of the nose already has through holes. By the end of the week, the nose should be sticking out. The eyelids begin to join, the eyes, palate and lips are formed. The jaw creates space in the mouth for the later growth of milk teeth. The ears are already in an advanced stage of development. Bones and cartilage begin to harden and strengthen, especially in flexible areas. The limbs, hands and feet, already have developed fingers and the nail beds already contain fine nails. Nipples are visible on the chest and a whole network of blood vessels and arteries begins to develop under the skin.

11th week of pregnancy - movements and gender on ultrasound

The size of the fetus, or The CRL parameter (parietal-coccygeal length) ranges from 40 to 54 mm in the 11th week of pregnancy. The weight will be around 7 to 10 g. The fetus is still very small. Despite the fact that it is relatively active during this period, the woman will not yet feel the somersaults, kicking or other movement creations of the small fetus. However, the movement of the body in the amniotic fluid is very important for stimulating the muscles and the musculoskeletal system.

Is it already possible to distinguish the sex of the baby in the 11th week of pregnancy? It is relatively individual, but the external genitalia appear at the end of the 11th week. So if you undergo an ultrasound at the turn of the 11th-12th week, it is quite possible that the external genitalia will already be developing and the doctor will be able to tell you the sex of the baby based on the genital bump. Usually, the gender is confirmed with certainty during the 14th to 20th week.

If you have already completed initial examinations at a gynecologist and your pregnancy has been confirmed, you should regularly attend a pregnancy consultation every 4 weeks, unless the doctor prescribes otherwise. At a regular visit, a blood sample is taken, weight gain is checked, blood pressure is measured, urine is examined, and fetal size (CRL) and fetal activity (also heartbeat) are checked by ultrasound.

During the repeated visit in this period between the 11th and 14th weeks, the woman undergoes a first-trimester combined screening, during which, in addition to the UTZ examination, a blood analysis is performed for possible chromosomal abnormalities that may point to possible improper development of the fetus, e.g. the presence of Down's syndrome. For mothers over 35 or in case of other adequate indications, other additional tests can be performed. If this is your first visit to a gynecologist, all the necessary examinations await you, the course of which we describe in the previous weeks. In the 11th week of pregnancy, you will also undergo an ultrasound to confirm the pregnancy. The doctor will note all the necessary data and information in your pregnancy book.

11th week of pregnancy - belly size and symptoms

What does the belly look like in the 11th week of pregnancy? The uterus and the fetus are growing, but the pregnant belly is still a very weak identification mark in the 11th week of pregnancy. In women who are already pregnant, the bulge in the lower abdomen may appear more pronounced. The same applies if you are 11 weeks pregnant with twins. A normally larger belly can be caused by impaired intestinal peristalsis and slowed digestion. However, we can talk about weight gain, from several hundred grams up to 2.5 kg. You should notice larger breasts more prominently, which are already relatively sensitive and some women report that they are even painful to the touch.

Pregnancy fatigue can be very intense. There is an aversion to various foods, "wolf hunger", heartburn, dizziness or headaches. As a larger volume of blood flows through the body, blood pressure can fluctuate more significantly. There is also more frequent urination and white vaginal discharge, the cause of which is the formation of a mucus plug. Pigment spots may appear on the skin, most often on the face, hands or chest. The increased presence of estrogen, in turn, contributes to stronger and healthier hair and nails. Headaches or pains in the lower abdomen due to the growth of the uterus and stretching of its ligaments, or problems with sleep are typical.

Hypermesis gravidarum vs morning sickness

Morning sickness is a well-known pregnancy symptom that affects 80% of pregnancies. Feeling of nausea, vomiting, weakness, increased salivation, sensitive sense of smell - these symptoms are caused by hormonal changes and many women experience them mainly in the morning after waking up or during the night.

However, if the nausea is so strong that the woman suffers from it not only in the morning and during the night, but also throughout the day, we can talk about hypermesis gravidarum. While morning sickness is relatively harmless and causes only partial discomfort, extreme nausea can be dangerous. Some women experience hypermesis gravidarum during the first weeks. In other women, it starts later. It is accompanied by frequent vomiting 3 to 4 times a day, persists throughout the day, does not disappear even after vomiting and lasts for weeks or months. There is a risk of loss of consciousness, dehydration, loss of appetite and outflow of nutrients and fluids due to frequent vomiting. In some cases, such a severe course of nausea requires hospitalization and replenishment of nutrients by infusion.

11th week of pregnancy fetal size

11th week of pregnancy - experiences

Several women on the forums are afraid of miscarriage, because the period up to the 12th week of pregnancy is quite sensitive. Although the risk of miscarriage decreases with increasing weeks. Most often, those discussing this turn to other mothers with a feeling of fear of abortion. Women state that it is often just a matter of psychology and that fears are natural, but at the same time it is necessary to think positively. In one of the forums, a woman addressed the occurrence of pale pink discharge, which is no longer typical for this week of pregnancy. Therefore, several discussants recommended her to visit the emergency room. On some forums, the occurrence of pain during pregnancy is addressed.

The most frequent questions - FAQ

Pregnancy is a beautiful period that brings with it various changes week by week. The fetus develops rapidly and women experience a range of different symptoms. Did you already have a belly in the 11th week of pregnancy? How did you perceive symptoms such as heartburn or the urge to urinate? Did you have a problem with a severe course of nausea in the 11th tt? How did you feel about the pregnancy? We will be happy if you join the discussion and contribute your opinion. The experiences, advice, tips and recommendations that more experienced mothers have can significantly help other pregnant women and future mothers. If you have questions, don't hesitate to ask in the discussion. Registration is not required.

11. week of pregnancy is the middle of the 3rd month within the first trimester.

The origin of pain in the lower abdomen in the 11th week of pregnancy is most often in the enlarging uterus, whose muscle fibers are stretched. The uterus adapts to the size of the fetus. Unpleasant cramps can therefore be caused by muscle contractions of the uterus. Indigestion, bloating or flatulence can also be the cause of unpleasant cramps. If the spasms are accompanied by pain in the spine, bleeding or dizziness, see a doctor or rush to the emergency room, because it could be a miscarriage.

As the weeks of pregnancy increase, the risk of spontaneous abortion decreases significantly. This is also proven by statistics in the 11th week of pregnancy - only 5 to 7% of the total number of cases occur during this period. Loss of a fetus before the end of the 20th week of pregnancy is considered a spontaneous abortion. Although the first 12 weeks of pregnancy are considered to be the most risky period for the occurrence of spontaneous abortion, it is precisely the first weeks, up to approximately the 6th week, that are the most risky.

This is a very individual symptom of pregnancy. The uterus grows and adapts to the fetus from week to week. For many women, a pregnant belly means a turning point in the perception of pregnancy. There are women who, in the 11th week of the row, show a peeking belly and are proud of it. However, sometimes the reason for a bigger belly is just bloating and slowed digestion. On the other hand, women who have already given birth or it is a multiple pregnancy may have a slightly arched abdomen. However, it is definitely not yet a significantly recognizable sign.

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