How do I know if my baby has a tummy ache?

How do I know if my baby has a tummy ache?

Published: 12.10.2023
Updated: 08.12.2023

In the case of newborns and small babies, whose communication skills are minimal, crying is a clear sign of abdominal pain. This is essentially the only way a child can express pain or dissatisfaction during this period. Another of the symptoms can be a swollen belly or a sound in the form of screeching. Abdominal pain in babies is also called infantile colic, which occurs in more than 20% of newborns up to the age of 3 months.

If rocking in the arms, placing the baby on the chest does not help, the sedentary crying is still piercing and does not subside, it is obvious that the child is dissatisfied with something. Abdominal pain in a baby can be accompanied by a swollen abdomen that is hard to the touch. While crying, the baby can raise its legs, twists to the side and sometimes looks like it is pushing. Relief comes only after gas or stool is released.

Infant abdominal pain or infant colic most often originates in the digestive tract. Most often, colic appears between 1 and 3 months. Bloating or flatulence are usually caused by insufficiently developed digestion, too early administration of complementary foods, inappropriate artificial milk, overfeeding, or it may be an allergic reaction - lactose intolerance. Problems with digestion can also be signaled by the fact that the baby cannot burp after feeding. When breastfeeding, it can also be a complication that the baby swallows a lot of air. Infant colic can be caused by gastroesophageal reflux, in which food backs up through the esophageal sphincter into the esophagus. The reason for abdominal pain can also be an inflammatory disease. Symptoms should be consulted with a pediatrician.

How to help a child with a tummy ache? When breastfeeding, make sure that the baby is well latched and does not suck in a lot of air. Also, try to ensure that the baby reaches the rear milk during breastfeeding, which does not contain so much lactose and helps build the microflora in the stomach. The child should burp after every meal. Exclude from the menu foods that cause bloating (legumes, leafy vegetables, pears, etc.). Fennel tea can help with digestion problems. With colic, a gentle massage of the abdomen with circular movements in a clockwise direction can be helpful. Also apply baby oil. It is suitable to place a heated pillow, compress or hot water bottle on the abdomen. A warm bath can also provide relief. Exercising with your legs, which you bend towards your stomach and then release, can release gas. Abdominal movements can reduce bloating.

The solution can also be the introduction of a rectal tube, which you can use to induce stool and relieve constipation or wind will be released and the bloating will subside. However, be careful when inserting the rectal tube and don't go too deep to avoid hurting the baby. Probiotics suitable for infants, fiber or drops that relieve digestive difficulties can also help with constipation. According to the advice of some mothers, a few teaspoons of cumin decoction or the aforementioned fennel tea will help. For a change, some mothers prefer belly massage or leg exercises. Sometimes parents were helped by carrying and rocking. It has a calming effect on the baby, at the same time rocking can help the peristalsis of the intestines. Sometimes nothing helps but time.

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